Community Vision for Coronado



Being proactive with maintenance, while investing in our future infrastructure needs. Prioritize storm drain, sewer, water, road work and undergrounding of utilities. Continue investigating the feasibility of relinquishment.


Local Businesses

Understanding and addressing the challenges our businesses face while offering them the resources to succeed. Supporting the Chamber of Commerce, Discover Coronado, and Coronado MainStreet.



Cays Park; upgrade the bathroom facilities, irrigation, children's playground and keep up with maintenance. Utilize the boat storage area in the Cays and empty lot next to El Fornaio as a dog friendly park with shade trees.


Regional Agencies

SANDAG, Port Authority, Caltrans, Navy, Coastal Commission, to name a few. Having an active role, maintaining as much local control as possible, and doing everything we can to stop any additional housing allocation.


Sewage & Beach Closures

This is an Environmental and Economic disaster that urgently needs the State to designate an emergency. Continue collaborating with all stakeholders, advocating for funding, while monitoring progress.


Historic Preservation

Helping preserve our historic resources while balancing future development remains a top priority. Looking into ways to increase historical designations and offering property tax reductions.


Public Safety

Making sure our Police and Firefighters have the latest technology, gear, equipment and proper facilities. Maintaining adequate staffing levels and offering competitive compensation.


Parking / Traffic / E-Bikes

Look into expanding the parking structure at the Bank of America complex. Working with the Navy on reducing congestion. E-Bike education, licensing, and enforcement. Cost-Benefit analysis of continuing the electric Island Express.



Supporting students and staff while providing the highest level of educational opportunities. Increased collaboration between the City and School System in addition to becoming a Basic Aid School District with increased funding.

Organizations & Companies